Fellow Red Devils, Hope everyone is doing well, as with the approach of the 35th Anniversay of Just Cause. Here below is the BN CDR's message he sends annually. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Make sure we are checking up on each other. RED DEVILS FURY FROM THE SKY !!! ****************************************************************************************************** Hello and MERRY CHRISTMAS to the RED DEVIL FAMILY....... I hope this message finds everyone in great health; joyful about the upcoming holidays; and excited about the RED DEVIL reunions scheduled for the year 2025. I want to thank everyone that went above and beyond making the OCT 2024 Battalion Reunion at Bragg such a roaring success!!!! With a very special "shout out" to CHRIS PETTY & MARK SMITH......and a huge THANK YOU to ANGELA & JOE AGUIRRE for opening their home and being the perfect examples of southern hospitality. 35 years later, as the faithful date of 19 December approaches, I know most are frequently thinking of Operation: Just Cause and what it meant to each of us. I suspect that we all remember with great RESPECT & HONOR our 2 RED DEVIL brothers that made the supreme sacrifice. I am so gratified at the manner the RED DEVIL Family has ALWAYS remembered Michael Deblois and Troy Coats. I can not remember a reunion or memorial that has not been dedicated to Michael and Troy......and all our fallen RED DEVILS. In my opinion, this love, respect and compassion speaks volumes about the caliber of men that make up our RED DEVIL brotherhood. I am honored and gratified to be a part of this family. I suspect most know, but just in case, recently Mr Bob Deblois, Michael's father, passed away. I think it also fitting to inform you his wife, Michael's mother, is being cared for in an assisted living facility. They are/were two of the finest humans I have ever known. Please include them in your thoughts and PRAYERs. Speaking of FAMILY.....I was most happy, at the Bragg reunion, to see the overwhelming support of the RED DEVILs to open our gatherings and Family to include ALL RED DEVILS. This is especially important when you consider the enormous effort,time and expense that so many PANAMA RED DEVILs have invested in representing us at 1-508 events, conferences and reunions over the past 35 years. The efforts of many have always tried to keep the Panama RED DEVILs at the front of any event.....regrettably, in spite of their incredible efforts.....there still seems to be resistance/reluctancy to fully embrace us. It is because of this resistance/reluctance of others that make the Panama RED DEVILs willingness and total acceptance of other RED DEVILs joining our Family and Reunions that much more important. The fact that an overwhelming number of Panama RED DEVILs see the value and brotherhood to opening our ranks, once again reflect the caliber and compassion ofthe Panama RED DEVILs......THANK YOU ALL for that! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL......I hope to see you at the next reunion.....RED DEVIL....fitz ******************************************************************************************************************
This website is dedicated to the paratroopers of the 2/187th and 1/508th stationed at Ft. Kobbe, Republic of Panama for the decade between 1985 and 1995. The 1st Bn (ABN) 508th Infantry was one of two infantry battalions assigned to the 193rd Infantry Brigade (Separate) which headquartered on Ft. Clayton, Republic of Panama.
Please note we also want to acknowledge the jump boots that walked the streets of Ft. Kobbe that are woven into the history of that base. Troopers of the 3rd Battalion 508th (Abn) Infantry occupied the barracks in the mid to late 1960's. They would be followed by Motengators of A Company (Airborne) 3rd Battalion 5th Infantry who would fill the skies over Venado Drop Zone until the early '80's when the Rakkasans of 2/187th would fall into the ranks.
Regardless of the shoulder patch or flash worn by each of those units we are all Ft. Kobbe paratroopers, Airborne!
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