As is honorable we set a portion of this site aside to honor those Ft. Kobbe Rakkasans and Red Devils who selflessly served this great nation, who however have left our ranks entirely too soon.
We fill in the gaps they have left and march on.
Each on our particular day will raise a glass to their memories to celebrate that we had them for a season.
"Fury from the Sky!"
Sean Borjas Malike Childs Randall Lambertson Lacey O'Neill Ramelle Williams D/320 FIST Gary Schumacher A Co. Darin Breining Ron Conger Joe Fenty Galen Fitzwater Mike Ford Mike Gilbert Steve Golden Jack Hatfield Jr. Kenneth Miller Mike Schliecher Timothy Jon Uderitz |
B Co.
Karl Brown Ron Conger Stephen Dorty Christopher Lowe Harold Massengale Alfredo Moncada C Co. Vance Coats...Operation "Just Cause" Mike Deblois...Operation "Just Cause" Jeff Eversole Eugene James Bob "Grizz" Nash Brian Rochester Jerry Wilson |